Nostradamus had predicted the end of the world on 21st march, 2012. The ancient Mayan calendar abruptly ends on the same day. The most famous oracles at Delphi had also foreseen the end. The Holy Bible warns us about 2012 too. The list of prophecies is endless. But the matter of concern remains: Are all of these pointing to some danger or is it mere coincidence.
There have been many predictions in the past about a total wipe out of planet earth but time and again these theories have failed. What struck me about this one though is that it is backed by science; Albert Einstein had calculated that a planet almost as large as Jupiter would hit the earth around 2012. It’s called planet X (Nibiru). His studies suggest that even if the head on collision is somehow avoided, the strong magnetic field of the planet would lead to a magnetic shift.
A magnetic shift takes place after every 3600 years. It means that the North Pole and the South Pole interchange their positions and in doing so, earth undergoes regeneration. Tsunamis, earthquakes and huge volcanic eruptions are just some of the results of pole shift. It leads to the extinction of all the existing species paving way for new ones.
This might sound scary but the fact of the matter remains that we cannot predict the future; at best we can sit back and hope for the best.
Interesting article..
I just had a thought.. Apart from the scientific theory of a planet colliding with Earth.. I am talkin of Nostradamus and other such predictions.. wat if they meant .. all bad things in this world come to an end?! :D
Oh well.. yes.. im being TOOOO OPTIMISTIC.. well it was just a thought.. coz it looks impossible that all bad will end.. God would rather prefer to end the whole world.. and have a nice peaceful sleep ;)
i think such theories r crap.
as the article itself suggests, many such theories were failures, had there been any chance of planet hitting in 2012, scientists would have definately known. We already know of so many activities that may happen after 100s of years, how did they miss out such a close one.
Our brain is too powerful and your comment that future can't be predicted is also baseless. No one has proved that future can't be predicted or that it can be.
See there is so much about the brain that is yet to be discovered, like chi energy which is used by shaolin monks to resist attack of spear attack.
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